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4 Tips to Speed Up Maffetone Training for Older Runners

How to run faster when doing low heart rate training

Hey runners, if you’re familiar with Maffetone or Zone 2 training, you probably already know that it’s a fantastic way to maximize your running potential. However, older runners might find themselves frustrated with how slow they’re running and struggle to stick to the training. In this blog post, I'll go through four actionable tips that can help speed things up and make your training more efficient. Plus, learn about the one session that most people overlook but can significantly impact your results.

The Slow Process

Maffetone style training or Zone 2 training is a long, slow process. Results typically take three to six months to materialize, and maintaining a slow pace can be particularly challenging for older runners. The key to success lies in consistency and keeping your heart rate at or below the target levels. But consistently running at such a slow pace can be demotivating when progress seems non-existent.

Tip 1: Improve Your Running Gait

Many runners, especially those starting out, have inefficient running gaits. A common issue is landing forward of their center of gravity, which acts like putting the brakes on with every step. Here’s how to address that: Have someone videotape your running gait to identify if you're landing forward of your body mass. Work on landing your feet directly under your center of gravity with a straight posture and a slight lean at the ankles. Techniques like Chi running or the Pose Method can be useful. It takes practice and consistency to adapt to a more efficient running form, but the effort is worth it. Improving your gait can significantly cut down the energy cost and make your slow runs more effective and less frustrating.

Tip 2: Manage Your Weight Effectively

Excess weight can be a major drag on your running performance. If you’re 5 to 10 pounds overweight, shedding that extra body fat can speed you up considerably. Maffetone or Zone 2 training naturally encourages burning body fat for fuel. But consuming carbs before runs can block your body’s fat-burning efforts, so aim to run fasted for your training runs that are less then 2 hours long. You can also consider a short-term, anti inflammatory diet to reset your metabolism and make your body more fat-adapted, resulting in effortless weight loss over time.

Tip 3: Train With Hills and Intention

Integrate hill training and intentional power walking into your runs to improve strength and speed without breaking your heart rate limits. Tackle hills with vigorous power hikes to keep your heart rate close to the target. Then use downhill segments to practice running faster without exceeding your heart rate target. These techniques can build leg strength and speed that translate into improved overall performance.

Tip 4: Incorporate Short Sprint Sessions

Every couple of weeks, incorporate short sprints to stimulate your neuromuscular system, promoting overall speed and responsiveness in your running.

Sprint Routine: Do a warm-up followed by four to six 10-second sprints with two minutes rest between each. Gradually increase the number of sprints up to 8 and make this a regular part of your training every two weeks. These sprints should be done on a day when you feel good. Sprints activate fast-twitch muscle fibers and neuromuscular connections, aiding your body in running faster and dramatically improve your running efficiency without leaving you sore or tired.


If you’ve been struggling with the slow pace of Maffetone or Zone 2 training, implementing these four tips can make a huge difference. Improve your running gait, manage your weight, train with hills and power walks, and incorporate short sprints. Following these strategies will make your training more enjoyable and effective. Stick with it, stay consistent, and enjoy the process. Happy running, and see you in the next post!

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Forever Runner
The Forever Runner
This show for runners in their 50's, 60's & 70's who want to learn how to leverage their running to increase their independence, freedom and vitality as they age.